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Alpina Purpurata Pink
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This wondefrul plants belong to the family Heliconiaceae, most of the known species are native to the tropical Americas, 

Heliconias are one of the most colorful, exotic and beautiful flowering bracts.  Heliconia flowers are actually highly modified leaves and bracts, a bract is a leaf structure at the base of a flower, their flowers are produced on long, erect or drooping panicles, and consist brightly colored and waxy bracts, with small true flowers inside the bracts. Flower spikes topping tall stems make this flower a favorite in tropical climates. 

 Heliconias are named after Mount Helicon, the seat of the Muses.  Their bracts are so large and colorful that they almost hide the flowers altogether. 

Its easy to care this ones, just give your plant plenty of light to make this tropical beauty bloom. Flowering ginger plants makes an ideal potted plant for the sunroom. Its large leaves and bold color make a dramatic statement in any room.  Repot in spring only to replace with fresh soil.  And make sure to keep the rhizome roots crowded in container, and try to use drainage holes to prevent soggy soil, Water generously throughout the growing season, keeping the soil evenly moist. Temperature average 60 – 75º F. 

This amazing flowers are just exceptional to decorate your events. This flowers by itself or in companion with will give color to your arrangements.

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